Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Worked on a Sock Monkey for my grandson "SRD" and shopped for some gifts. It was unbelievably crowded at the store.
Spent 35 minutes smelling the wonderful fragrance of bread baking, thanks to "K". Today she made "Pepper-Cheese Bread" out of the "The Vegetarian Epicure" by Anna Thomas. 262 recipes that bring vegetarian cooking to new gastronomic heights with talk about good food, the art of making fine breads, and menus designed to make every meal a delight and a celebration of life.....
In the past couple of days K has been in a baking frenzy.
Out of the same book she also made:
(1) "tarte aux poires"-a Anjou pear custard pie. It was beautifully made and was delicious.
(2) "raspberry fool"- a cream custard with a raspberry cream topping

 **Remember how Izzie (Gray's Anatomy-ABC) would go into a muffin baking frenzy when she was upset.
Well there is actually a term called "Stress Baking".
(I googled Izzie baking frenzy)
I finally figured out why she has been baking. K's finals are this week.
So, the house has been filled with the wonderful scents of baking; while we have been filled with bread and desserts.

All is well.....

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