Friday, October 26, 2012

Me and my Dia de los Muertos Quilt

I went to the Museum of South Texas History in Edinburg, Texas.
The workers there hung my quilt. Awesome!!!
I can hardly wait for next Saturday.
If I can't attend the Houston International Quilt Festival, at least I can enjoy my quilt.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dia de Los Muertos Quilt

Crazy quilt blocks made into a wall hanging. Will be installed at Museum of South Texas History in Edinburg.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sourdough Starter

I can remember getting a bag of "Friendship Bread" starter, with the recipe attached, from co-workers. Most people hated getting these, as they felt obligated to make the bread, keep the starter alive, and pass on the starter to other unsuspecting friends/relatives/co-workers/enemies!!! lol.
I loved getting starters. I would use the whole batch and throw the evidence away.
Yum! Friendship Bread.
Today' recipes, that get passed around via internet, list a pkg of  instant vanilla pudding. What? I don't remember that being an ingredient.
So I googled and sure enough, the old recipes DO NOT include the pudding.
Well today I started some SOURDOUGH starter. In 3 days I get to make some sourdough bread. Yahoo!! I can hardly wait.
Since I've spent the last couple of years trying to get back to basics, especially since my hubby fancies himself a Doomsday Prepper, I thought I could get back to bread making.
Updates later, if it doesn't make me feel pressured. lol.